ABC Type Fire Extinguisher

ABC Dry chemical powder is used on all classes of fires. Dry chemical powder puts out the fire by coating the burning material with a thin layer of dust, thereby separating the fuel from the oxygen in the air. The powder also works to interrupt the chemical reaction of fire, so these extinguishers are extremely effective at putting out the fire. Pressure is generated by gas cartridges stored inside the cylinder. Its force will last for 45 seconds and can reach 3–4.5 metres (10–15 ft).

Available in 2Kg, 4Kg, 6Kg…Etc

CO2 Type Fire Extinguisher


CO2 fire extinguishers are mainly aimed at electrical fires but are also suitable for Class B liquid fires and are used in different ways depending on the type of fire they are being used on. Do not use CO2 extinguishers in small rooms as CO2 gas is poisonous at only 4% concentration and can kill at just 8%.

Available in 2Kg, 4.5Kg…Etc


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